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Our church relies on volunteers to lead and assist in many facets of our church life and everyone is encouraged to share their unique gifts, talents and skills. Here are some of the areas in which you can participate:


The purpose of music in church services is to our enhance worship and St John’s has a fine tradition of music.

St John’s Music Team

The music team is committed to exploring the rich diversity of worship music. Although the emphasis of the Sunday morning services is on traditional Anglican music, our musical offerings range from the traditional to more contemporary hymns and songs.

New members are always welcome. There are no auditions, no previous experience is required and novices will be mentored by our more experienced musicians. If you are interested in joining the music team please contact us for further information.

St John’s Organ

The magnificent Fincham organ is one of the finest instruments in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne and we are fortunate to have some fine organists and musicians in our congregation.

Flower Guild

Beautiful fresh flowers and arrangements enhance our services and more helpers are always welcome.

If you are interested please contact us to join our Flower Guild.

Ushers, Readers, Communion Ministers & Servers

More assistance is always welcome for these vital roles.  Please speak to the vicar if you are interested.

Linen roster

Helpers are always welcome in washing and preparing our linen for the Eucharist. Please contact us if you can assist.

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